20th Lexunion Annual Congress in Lisbon: 28-30 Sept. 2023


The 20th annual congress of LEXUNION was held from 28 to 30 September 2023 in Lisbon, to analyse “The representation of incapacitated adults and minors & the cross-border circulation of protective measures”. The event was organised by Portuguese law firm RFF Lawyers and sponsored, as usual, by Coutot-Roehrig, to both of whom we extend our warmest thanks.

More than 70 members of the LEXUNION network attended the event, and were able to participate in the debates and benefit from the exchanges.

The scientific programme and speakers were as follows:

Friday 29 September 2023

09am             Conference opening (Hotel Altis Grand Liberdade –Salles Roma I & II) – Greetings, introduction

(Mr Pascal Julien Saint-Amand)

09.10               Presentation of RFF Lawyers

(Mr Rogério Fernandes Ferreira)

09.20               Presentation by the sponsor COUTOT & ROEHRIG

(Mrs Melissande Doehler)

09.30               Start of the conferences – Introduction : “PIL rules and law applicable to the representation of incapable adults and minors and cross-border circulation of protective measures.

(Prof. Guus (A.L.G.A.) Stille / University of Amsterdam )

1st Part: The new powers of Italian notaries  in matters related with incapacity 

Presentation of the new powers granted to Italian notaries in matters of incapacity by Legislative Decree no. 149 of 10 October 2022, issued in application of Law no. 206 of 26 November 2021, aimed at simplifying, accelerating and rationalising civil procedure

(Messrs Gian Vittorio Cafagno & Federico Tassinari )

2nd Part: General comparative law approach to protective measures applicable to incapacitated adults and minors

Summary table of the various national protection measures

(Mr  Pascal Julien Saint-Amand / France
Messrs Philippe Frésard & Quentin Bärtschi / Switzerland
Mr Gareth Ledsham/ United-Kingdom)

3rd Part: Practical cross-border approach: Representation and international circulation of these protection measures

  1.      Gifts

    (Mrs Francesca Ferrari / Italy
    Mr John de Bergeyck / Belgium)

  2.      Succession

    (Mr Peter Blokland / Netherlands
    Mr Garteth Ledsham / United-Kingdom

  3.      Buying & selling Real estate

    (Mrs María Gutierrez / Spain
    Mr Garteth Ledsham / United-Kingdom)

  4.      Company shares (acquisition, sale, voting & representation…)

    (Mr Guillaume Etain / France
    Mr Julien Schlaeppi/ Switzerland)


(Mr Pascal Julien Saint-Amand / France)

Saturday 30 September 2023

09 am          Extraordinary General meeting

10.00                Networking & Round Table LEXUNION

    • Conference – Portugal: a platform for investment and residence

(Me Rogério Fernandes Ferreira)

    • Reminder of Lexunion tools: Intranet (Social Medias, Newsletter, intranet, etc.)

(Marie Larivière)

11.30                    Presentation of some Lexunion Assignments and some arisen issues    

  • Between Portugal & Belgium: « Pitfalls to avoid when buying Real Estate in Portugal »

Mr Eric Jacobs / Belgium
Mr Rogerio Fernandes Ferreira / Portugal

  • Between Portugal & France: « Strategy to be adopted in the event of the sale by an RNH of a French operating company held by a holding company »

Mrs Eugénie Guichot / France
Mr Rogerio Fernandes Ferreira / Portugal

12.00             Selection of legislative changes and national practices from 2021/22 that have an international impact in the areas in which Lexunion works

12.55               Close

Author : Marie Larivière

Tags: Portugal

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